Start Test NFC Reader
Socket Mobile Scanning API: Requirements
To run successfully, this sample demo requires the following:
Kiosk Pro Enterprise, version 9.5.4 or later
While the JavaScript included in this code sample is compatible with earlier versions of Kiosk Pro, those versions require a different 'kiosk_functions.js' file to access this functionality.
For live projects, we highly recommend hosting the 'kiosk_functions.js' file with your own files, whether they are placed on a server or stored locally on the iPad, and checking the app's change logs before updating. The 'kiosk_functions.js' file referenced in the sample may be updated or moved without warning - if you are referencing this file directly, this would prevent your kiosks from working correctly.
Connection to a Socket Mobile S800 Scanner
The Socket Mobile S800 scanner connects via Bluetooth.
For more information about the Socket Mobile S800, visit
Specific Kiosk Pro Settings
- Barcode & QR Code Scanning > Socket Scanning = On
- JavaScript API > Access JavaScript API = By Import
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